Where to be photo social? That is the question that is causing my mind to spin like a washing machine, around and around and then back the other way. There are many photo sharing sites out there, Flickr, deviantART, Redbubble, Smugmug, to name but a few. Some have big social followings (Flickr and deviantART) some not so big. 

They all have there draw backs NONE is perfect. Deviant art has a massive social following, but the site design and functionality is confusing and their sales commissions are WAY too high. Flickr has a better design but is really confusing to navigate, also not designed with profit selling in mind. Redbubble has a good simple design and has some good selling for profit functions but has a smaller user base and therefore lesser exposure. Sugmug charges users to be able to sell for profit, but has the best functionality. 

Then there is Facebook of course, THE largest social network on the planet. A strong link with Redbubble on a dedicated Facebook Page and I think there could be the best of social marriages. So there, I have it. The process of writing down my thoughts has guided me towards an answer. Expect to see Redbubble stickers and images on my Facebook page in the near future.